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About Us

Guide us O God to be the best we can be; in every thought, in every word and every deed

We are a very happy small school in the rural community of Barton. Our school has five classes which are led by dedicated, enthusiastic, professional teachers and supported by talented teaching assistants.

Please enjoy navigating our comprehensive website where you will find lots of information about our school; the people who work in it; the successes of the children and the exciting curriculum we all contribute to.

Open days, evening events and seasonal celebrations are a feature of our school - please feel welcome to attend and support these children-led experiences so you can get a feel of our school family and environment.

Always, 'we are guided by God to be the very best people we can be.'

What our families and friends say about us.


child in y2

Also I just wanted to mention ‘happy minds’ and say wow!
It has had such a profound impact on our daughter over the past few weeks. The changes in her have been dramatic and astounding.
The self awareness and the way she recognises emotions before they get too big has amazing. We have had no meltdowns, which always happens with the holidays and going to holiday club, whenever it’s been building up to that she’s removed herself to regulate.
When she’s been arguing with her sister, where it would normally quickly turn into a fight and screaming, crying and shouting, she runs into another room and allows us to comfort her and de-escalate the situation quickly. **** went upstairs into my room a few days ago and I heard her say “**** please could you leave the room because I really need some time on my own”

Thank you so much for all you do and how much you care for our children.



(message from the local magistrates team who spent a morning with our Y6 children) "The morning went really well and the children were great - they were fully engaged and asked very thoughtful questions!  They were a credit to Miss Delaney and the school. "


We are blessed to be supported by an amazing community and are always grateful for feedback to help us continually reflect and improve aspects of school life. Here we will post comments from our most recent Parental Questionnaire. Here is a copy of the questionnaire used. Parental questionnaire Autumn 23

47 children were represented in this terms feedback. 94% of the ratings from our families showed that we were good or better in all aspects of school life.

Parent of Y3 child

I can’t put into words the gratitude I hold for you and the SMSA team. I probably don’t say it enough so whilst signing off, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and the SMSA family for caring for our children the way you do; it really is appreciated – I couldn’t be happier with how my family is treated and my son is turning into the person that fills me with pride.  

Parent of Y4 child

...Thank goodness we moved our child to this school, what a great place it is to be!

Parent of Y1 child

Thank you for all you have done for our family and for ....., we will be forever appreciative.



Hi Mrs Roach,

Hope you are keeping well?

Just thought I'd share something that **** has been working on in her own time. She would be too shy to show it to you herself, but I thought you might be interested in seeing it. She has written a play! I just thought you might want to see it because she says she got the inspiration from being involved in last year's Yr6 play. I thought it was really sweet and testament to the creativity and ambition which you guys are obviously inspiring in school! I love how these young minds are being shaped at SMSA, so thankyou.

See you soon,


Sent: 07 November 2022 10:27 PM
Subject: Re: Todays Assembly- Choir

Mrs Williams

We just wanted to say thank you so much for all you are doing with ****. Her singing was absolutely beautiful and sounded so confident. But above everything we think **** is very proud of herself. 

Thank you so much