- Accesibility-Planning-2023-2026PDF
- Antibullying policy 2024PDF
- Attendance Policy LCC V2.4PDF
- Charging & Remissions PolicyPDF
- Child protection and safeguarding policy October 2024PDF
- Code of Conduct - Parents Carers Friends and FamilyPDF
- Communications Policy V.2024PDF
- Confidentiality PolicyPDF
- Debt Management PolicyPDF
- Equalities PolicyPDF
- Graduated Response - Managing Behaviour PDF
- Handwriting PolicyPDF
- Health & Safety PolicyPDF
- HRSE PolicyPDF
- Intimate Care PolicyPDF
- Lettings Policy 2024PDF
- Marking and Feedback PolicyPDF
- Medicine Safety PolicyPDF
- Online Access & Safety PolicyPDF
- Parental Agreement for Setting to Administer MedicinePDF
- Privacy_Notice_-_Pupil_Information(MAT)PDF
- Relationship and Regulation PolicyPDF
- Remote Learning PolicyPDF
- School Record Management PolicyPDF
- Sickness and Illness PolicyPDF
- Teaching & Learning Policy 2024PDF
- Uncollected Child Policy (Late Collection of Children)2023PDF
- Use of Images PolicyPDF
- Zero Tolerance PolicyPDF