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The world in which our children are growing up in is increasingly complex and is a mixture of live and virtual experiences. This presents us with many positive and exciting opportunities to learn about the wider world but brings with it challenges and risks.

Our Curriculum has been designed to ensure each and every child can ‘be the best people that can be’ by offering stimulating and awe-inspiring learning experiences with our Catholic values at its heart. 

It is designed to meet the needs of the pupils at St Mary and St Andrew’s, not only by focussing on appropriate subject specific knowledge, skills and understanding, but by modelling the virtues given to us by Christ. Our aspirational curriculum intends to develop individual and collaborative learning experiences; a positive growth mindset; a sense of responsibility and provide challenges that take learning beyond the classroom. The intention of our curriculum is to provide children and young people with the knowledge and skills they need to be safe and healthy, and the understanding of how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive and safe way. Our curriculum is planned to be inclusive of all learners, addresses protected characteristics and reflect the needs of our local community.


Working alongside families, parish and local community, our curriculum is implemented by staff with strong pedagogy and pedagogical content knowledge. The learning environment is stimulating and supportive for all children and provides a safe space for children to learn, make mistakes and learn from them. Providing children with coherently planned sequential learning opportunities to develop ‘sticky learning’; carefully informed assessment practices and the development of effective characteristics of learning drives our quality teaching and learning. To deliver our discreet programme of PSHE, we use Coram’s SCARF material – SCARF = Safety, Caring,  Relationships and Friendships. Other bespoke materials are included to ensure this work covers all aspects of what we have identified as crucial to our children. This helps us to weave through our Golden Threads of: ‘Inclusion/Diversity/Growth Mindset and Success.’ Through commitment to this rigorous programme, we fully meet the statutory expectations of the RSE framework, which we refer to as HRSE (Human relationships and sex education).

Extra-curricular activities are a strength of our school. They are designed to complement our curriculum. enhance pupils’ learning experiences, form personal connections between pupils and their peers and teach skills essential for life after school.  


Strong personal development and our children’s progress and achievement will be rigorously monitored, highly valued and reflect the success of every individual. Children will be supported to ‘be the best that they can be’ academically, personally, emotionally, socially and faithfully. When children leave our school, we aim to have helped to develop well-rounded, knowledgeable, deeply-faithful young people who are confident and resilient when facing personal, social, academic and professional challenges. 


Updated statutory guidance came into effect in September 2020, so here at SMSA, we ensure that our bespoke curriculum meets the requirements as set out in the guidance alongside the recommendations which are non-statutory. Read more about the new statutory guidance.

Relationships and sex education (RSE) - which we refer to as HRSE - is an important part of PSHE education. Relationships education is compulsory for all primary school pupils. Due to our commitment to teaching RSE we have regard to the Secretary of State’s guidance, this is a statutory duty.

Our school's PSHE Overview


HRSE – Human relationships and sex education has its own page too. There, you will find our programmes of study, we use ‘Journey in Love’ to help our children prepare for puberty and changes from birth to adulthood. Thanks for your help in our recent consultation – you overwhelmingly voted in favour of this programme and the resources we use. 

In addition to our thorough and comprehensive PSHE programme, we are proud to be a myHappymind school. Follow the link to find out more  Mental Wealth at SMSA!


As first educators of our children, you - our families at school, have the most crucial role in teaching your children about themselves and the wider world in which they live. Parenting and education can be tricky, so here are some excellent resources which you may find helpful. Don't forget, that for every step of the way, we are here to help you. Talk to your child's teacher or make an appointment with the Headteacher, Mrs Roach. The staff are confident and experienced at helping families!

Need help talking to your children about periods? Try

Thinking about drinking? Some practical ways you can educate your children and teenagers about healthy ways to use alcohol and when it is appropriate to drink (the legal bits!)

Parental support around teenage drinking issues

Life Online doesn’t have to be scary – have a look here for how to have healthy online behaviours and what to do if you’re worried!
You will find lots of useful links on our online safety page Keeping safe online

and don’t forget – come and talk to us! Staff have expertise in many online safety areas but if there’s something we don’t know, we have access to so much expert advice that we can share with you.

HRSE – Human relationships and sex education has its own page too. There, you will find our programmes of study, we use ‘Journey in Love’ to help our children prepare for puberty and changes from birth to adulthood. Thanks for your help in our recent consultation – you overwhelmingly voted in favour of this programme and the resources we use. 


What a fabulous time we had with The Young Un's - writing and recording a podcast released to the whole world about our beautiful Barton! Enjoy it here:  

More was had with Bright Leaders - children developing their leadership skills and learning how to lead play across the school whilst developing self esteem and personal confidence. Have you got Spotify - listen here if you have!