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"Geography explains the past, illuminates the present and prepares us for the future. What could be more important than that?" (Michael Palin)


Our geography curriculum has been designed to ensure each and every child has the curiosity and interest to explore the world that we live in by offering stimulating and awe-inspiring geography experiences with our Catholic values at its heart. It is designed to meet the needs of the pupils at St Mary and St Andrew’s, not only by focusing on appropriate subject specific knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum, but by giving opportunities to acquire the skills of a geographer through a carefully planned and sequenced progression of learning. Our aspirational curriculum intends to develop individual and collaborative learning experiences; a positive growth mindset; a sense of responsibility and provide challenges that take learning beyond the classroom.  Our intention is to enrich the children’s culture capital through wider experiences of geography appreciation.


Our Geography curriculum plan has been designed to ensure a sequence of skills, knowledge and understanding is acquired through a spiral program.  We ensure all pupils in Key Stage One and Key Stage Two study an minimum of an hour of Geography per week.   

Staff are supported to deliver high quality lessons which begin with revision of previous learning before progressing onto new learning.  Geographical vocabulary is prioritised and embedded within lessons through our teaching and Working Walls. AFL within lessons is strong and informs future planning. Inclusion is a key priority and the presentation of all information make learning accessible for all. 

Pupils work through Human and Physical Geography within five key skills: Mapping, fieldwork, enquiry and investigation, communication, and use of ICT. Children are given the opportunity to use up to date resources with digimaps, google maps, globes and Atlases. All children take part in a Geography Day once a year which help to enhance and revisit previous learning.  

Our curriculum is implemented in year groups and sometimes key stages. Our documents below show you the expectations we have for our children in each academic year; we make sure that by the end of KS1 all the work in YR, Y1 and Y2 is covered. By the end of Y4, all the work laid out in Y3 and Y4 is covered and finally, all remaining ks2 work is covered in either the Jays' or the Eagles' class but is fully completed by the end of Y6.


Children will have developed the geographical knowledge and skills to help them explore, navigate and understand the world around them and their place in it. Children’s knowledge and skills will develop progressively as they move through the school, not only to enable them to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum but that they:

  • are inspired by the Geography Curriculum and want to learn more.
  • show the progression in their skills as well as their knowledge, especially in map reading, compass work and locating places on a map.
  • can discuss their learning and remember what they have learnt.
  • can talk about their first-hand experiences of visiting different places and locations.
  • take responsibility for looking after their environment.

When children leave our school, we aim to equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed further in geography.  

Let's do this together!

Here are a great selection of resources to you at home;

Royal Geographical Society -

National Geographic Kids -


Look at us learning! - well worth a watch!

Here are some of the geography competition winners in the recent Y5 topic of Uncovering the Amazon!

How we do it